Educational project
- Early childhood education constitutes an educational stage with its own identity. Our center cares for girls and boys in their first years of life. The importance and value of this stage that children live with us resides in the fact that their evolutionary development is a vital period in which they experience the most significant changes at all levels: physical, cognitive, linguistic, emotional and social; helping them move towards an autonomous life, as they build their personality and broaden experiences.
- From our center, learning is conceived as a process of building knowledge through the relationship with the environment. All this guided by our educational team, which has a double function: on the one hand, accompanying the girl and the boy in their learning process, transmitting security and acceptance, and on the other, organizing an environment rich in opportunities.
- In the CEI Niño Jesús, special relevance is given to the processes of knowledge and mastery of one’s own body, to the construction of a network of relationships and interactions in the physical and social environment, and to the use of the languages that make it possible. All this, governed by the fundamental principle of respect for the individual rhythms of each boy and girl, for their essential care in an affective, participatory and equal environment that provides them with confidence, well-being and security.
- The evaluation of each student is formative and continuous, valuing in a global and integral way the girl and the boy in their growth process. In turn, families are provided with information on the teaching-learning process, taking into account the participation of various educational agents, in order to adjust those aspects that are necessary to improve it.
Growth in harmony
- The Growth in Harmony area focuses on the personal and social dimensions of the boy and the girl understood as inseparable and complementary. From the deep respect for individual maturation rates, the teaching and learning processes must be adapted to the personal characteristics, needs, interests and cognitive style of each boy and girl, as well as to the characteristics of the group and the environment.
- In this area, attention is therefore paid to physical-motor development, the gradual acquisition of self-control and the gradual process of building one’s own identity, the result of interactions with others and with the environment, highlighting the importance of fostering and favoring healthy, sustainable, effective, egalitarian and respectful interactions.
Our center follows the methodological line of development of Multiple Intelligences, working through the Los Cokitos project.
Discovery and exploration of the environment
- In early childhood, the discovery of the environment is a continuous challenge of observation and approximation to everything that surrounds the boy or girl. The knowledge of the world will allow the progressive understanding of it and the interaction with other people, objects and elements that constitute it.
- This area includes the learning that favors the process of discovery, observation, exploration and the connection of the physical and natural elements of the environment, conceiving it as an element that provokes emotions and surprises. At the same time, this knowledge about their closest environment will promote awareness of the need for attitudes of respect, care and protection.. The area acquires meaning from the complementarity with the other two, and this is how it will have to be interpreted in the didactic proposals: from the globality of the action and the learning..
Communication and representation of reality
- Human beings, from the moment of birth, have the need to relate to others. This need to interact with the people around them will facilitate the development of representation and communication processes. The school must offer a wide range of possibilities, languages and contexts that adapt to the particularities of boys and girls to satisfy their communicative and expressive needs.
- Communication skills will evolve from the first interactions through body expression and gestures, basically linked to the satisfaction of their primary needs, to the acquisition of different codes that allow understanding, interpreting and producing messages of increasing complexity, effectively, personal and creative.
Child psychomotricity
At the center we are committed to the development of psychomotricity from all possible areas.
Psychomotor skills allow the boy and girl to explore and investigate, overcome and transform conflict situations, interact with others, enjoy group play and express themselves freely.
- • Awareness of one’s own body standing or moving.
- Mastery of balance.
- Control of the various motor coordinations.
- Breath control.
- Orientation of body space.
- Improvement of creativity and expression in a general way.
- Rhythm development.
- Memory improvement.
- Discrimination of shapes, colors and sizes.
- Notions of situation and orientation.
- Organization of space and time.
The psychomotricity sessions take place every week with a specific teacher for it. Depending on the level and adapting to the capacities and needs of each group, the proposed activities, as well as their duration, vary. For all this we have a child psychomotricity program prepared for our school.
English lessons
In the 21st century, the globalized world in which we live makes knowledge of a second language a requirement for the future of our children. For this reason, in our center we are committed to introducing this second foreign language from the first months of life. Every week our little ones have several sessions that are completely developed in English and where they learn the language and its culture in a playful way. Songs, plays, stories, drawings… are part of our daily lives and help us introduce the culture of English-speaking countries.